Getting Expensive Spiders Without the Cost

We have all seen the spooky glittery spiders that come out this time of year.  Each year I find myself picking up the packages, admiring all that sparkle, then putting the package down due to the price.  Well, this year I have decided glittery spiders are mine, but I am going to share with you the cheap and easy way to get them!

You will need a package of dollar store spider rings, some black glitter, scissors, a brush, and an ahesive spray.  Using the scissors, I cut the ring in the center.  This allows me to stick the spider around objects in my home, like lamp shades and frames.  If you just want to lay the spiders out you can cut the ring off entirely.
With your adhesive spray coat the entire spider.
Pick your spider up and put him on a clean surface (an unsprayed piece of paper) and generously cover the spider with black glitter.  Let him set for just a couple moments then brush off the excess glitter, pouring the extra back into the glitter jar.
And that is it!  We now have glittery spiders we can all enjoy!




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