Thursday, January 17, 2013

Scrappy Garage Sale!

Hey guys!  In case you missed my Facebook post the other night, I am going to be starting a Scrappy Garage sale on Facebook! I have over 500 unique items (with several having multiples) and they are all selling for really low prices!  I will not have anything over $10.00!   I have paper, ribbons, embellishments, tools, stickers, adhesives, stamps, kits and more! The majority of the items are brand new and the used items will be clearly marked. I am hoping to have the items ready for Friday night or Saturday morning to start the sell! If you are interested in joining my garage sell leave me a comment below with your Facebook link (or name) and I will add you to the group! You can also click on the link below and request to join:

I can't wait to get more space back in my tiny little room! :)


  1. Hi, plz add me to group. My name is Elisa Martinez, email:

    There may be a few with my common name, how will you find me???

  2. Hi, plz add me to group. My name is Elisa Martinez, email:

    There may be a few with my common name, how will you find me???

  3. HI Jamie - I would love see what your have for sale my FB name is Sara Caron Zenger

  4. Hi Jaime, I just sent a request on FB to join the group. I shouldn't be shopping, but I can't resist a sale :-) Good luck. Stacy (Scott) Buller

  5. I would like to join your garage sale.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! If you are asking a question please make sure your account is linked to your email address or provide your email address in your comment so that I am able to reply! You can also email me at

Thanks, Jamie