Friday, August 27, 2010

A Gift Box/Bag From Me And A Card From Hannah...

How is that for a title!?  This is a box/bag that is known around my house as a "large fry"...yes, they are all so very funny. 
This is a SCAL file that I have created which you can get HERE

Hannah had a birthday party last weekend and she had created this drawing of Tink on the front of her card just from looking at a picture!  She colored it in with colored pencils...isn't it amazing?!  I am just so proud of her! 
We added in a gift card and some shredded rafia and viola!  Fry box or not - I think it makes for a really pretty gift!  :)


  1. Very cute. Hannah is a very talented artist too :)

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh WOW WOW WOW!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee her drawing and loving the box you made for it!! I loveeeeeeeee the metal charms and that orange ribbon! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Really cute box! I don't know who Hannah is as I have only been following you for a short time. I am assuming she is your daughter... Very cute drawing.

    Thanks for the file today =)


  4. Hannah did a fabulous job!! And the gift box she is great too.

  5. I LOVE it!!! Cute-cute-cute!!!

    Not just a "fry" box anymore! LOL!

  6. HI I LOVE your design! I would like to use this for my sister's bridal shower....however when I download the file, it is .scut I have sure cuts a lot and it won't open in it. anyone have any ideas why?

    I really love the TInkerbell drawing! So cute!


  7. Natalie, if you send me your email address I can provide you the scut and svg files. I created this in SCAL2, which may be the issue - but the SVG would import and you can size to fit your needs.


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Jamie!

    I just figured out that I can just open up Sure CUts a Lot 2 and select it and it appears, even though it won't let me drag it in. Weird! Anyways, THANK YOU SO MUCH! It look so great!!

    I have one more question.....How did you keep the bottom from falling in? I tried glueing it but it won't stay, so I just glued the two sides together for now.

    You're the greatest!! ;0)



Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! If you are asking a question please make sure your account is linked to your email address or provide your email address in your comment so that I am able to reply! You can also email me at

Thanks, Jamie