Sunday, September 05, 2010

So...this is what a mess is

Confession time:
I like things tidy and organized, everything in its proper place.  I love bins and drawers and baskets and even more, I love making them a home with lots of goodies!  Messes stress me out, make me all crazy...not just in my own house, but at stores, at restaurants, at other homes - you get the picture.  I am a neat freak to its fullest capacity.  Why am I telling you this?  Or better question, why am I admitting this (really it is embarrassing!)?  Well, you look:
This is the worst my space has ever seen!!!
  I am a "clean as you go" know the one that puts things away before she is actually done using them!  I am not even sure how this happened.  All I know is that I was in the hall last night and look up and FREAKED out!  What a mess!

No worries, at least not this time, it is all cleaned up and I am feeling much better about creating!  :)


  1. Jamie sounds like you and I are a LOT alike. I cant function if things are messy ANYWHERE. Stresses me out and makes my anxiety go nutso! I am also a clean up as I go scrapper, but not as severe as you. I have to clean the entire workspace before I start another project even if i KNOW I will use the same things! LOL!

    OH BTW dont forget to blog hop starting at my blog for a chance to win printable stamps, homemade goodies, stamps, and CARTS!!!!

  2. THATS a mess? Don't come look at my space. Wait maybe you should, then maybe I'd be able to find things. lol

  3. nickname is "Lana" which is anal backwards...sooooooooooo LOL ... I totally feel your pain!! LOL :):):):):):):):):)

  4. OMG, this isn't bad at all. I tried to hurridly get some things done before I left for the lakehouse and mine is awful!!!!!
    Kim xXx

  5. Girl you should come on over to my room and help me clean! LOL You do have a lovely craft room! :)

  6. I heard angels sing! I haven't a clue what the problem is...looks perfectly workable to me!

  7. WoW! I lOVE it... it looks like a lot of wonderful creating has been made here.OH and thanx for stoppin by my blog and leavin a lovely comment.

  8. haha you should see the state of my room - yours is neat in comparison ;) Love your halloween projects in your previous posts - very cute!!!

  9. This totally cracks me up because I can SO feel your pain! I am the SAME way!! Everything has its place and when its a mess, I am lost! Mine looked like that yesterday! But I am in good shape today! :)

  10. I too am a clean as you go kind of scrapper. But not too bad. I usually wait to put it away for the day/night until I'm finished.

    I started making my Christmas cards the other day and I have all my stuff in a box. So when I start,I pull it all out, to see what I have already before I start making more focals. Then I make a few cards, then everything goes back into the box. The paper and tools put away and I cover it all to keep my cats off of it. (Since I'm in the back end of the living room, there's no door to close!) But I wouldn't be able to sleep if it wasn't put away!


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Thanks, Jamie